
We are a nation. We are a nation in exile…

Sezai Babakuş

We are a nationsacrificed for the power wars of the Age of Empires, just one hundred and fifty years ago. We succumbed to the desire of expansion of an empire and the desire of predominance of others. Sometimes we burned in a fire of bravery, sometimes we hid in the shadow of fear. We tasted neglect and betrayal. We have stumbled, as much as we have shown heroism. We were defeated, broken, divided and exiled. We are the children of an exile we elegize, tell stories about and recall like yesterday.We are a nation. We are a nation in exile…

We are a nation. The war was for us and the exile too.


Kaffed Press Release, 2012

21 May... The anniversary of the Circassian Genocide and Exile. The Circassians have developed a unique language and culture in their homeland, the Caucasus, where they have lived since time immortal. Although the Circassians defended their country and freedom for many centuries, a genocide was committed against them, and they were deported en masse from their homeland as a result of the colonialist policies of the Czarist Russia and other imperial states.

In spite of all oppression, dispersion and sufferings, they have survived and protected their identity. This is why 21 May expresses the vital resistance of the Circassian people. It is a day of resistance, uprising, and resurrection. It is Circassia's struggle for revival.